Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cohunu Wildlife Park

Another wonderful wildlife park out in the boondocks.

The Echidna is an extremely unique Australian animal.  Only one of two types of monotremes (the other being the platypus).  They are mammals but they lay eggs!  The baby echindna (called a puggle) lives in the mother's pouch for 3 months.
If you read Bill Bryson's book "In a Sunburned Country" you might have an appreciation for the giant animal thing.  There are several giant things in this park.  Kind of funny.


  1. Cute koala really up close.

  2. Yes, the koala is so cute. Are they pretty friendly?
    I thought the Echidna were hedge hogs at first.

  3. The Koalas seem very gentle but I don't know if they are friendly. They don't seem to mind being held. I know when they mate they become ferocious. What is it about them that makes them so adorable? The ears and eyes and fuzzy fur I guess!
