Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random stuff

Funny poster in train car.

The family cat - Bay

Cross walk

Train station in Perth
There must be a platform 9 3/4 around here somewhere!

Roo for dinner

Australians treat moms with respect!

These girls have very cute school uniforms.  Notice their ice cream is melting fast!

There are many types of gum/eucalyptus trees.  
This is called a ghost eucalyptus because the trunk is so white.

Below - Ghost gum tree and the park across from the house where I live.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life at Koondoola School

I am now in my third week of assistant teaching at Koondoola Primary School.  My experience at Koondoola has been fascinating and fun.  Although I spent a bit too much time in the general music room my first two weeks singing little kid songs over and over, I also spent time in other classrooms helping kids and teachers with all sorts of things.  I have also heard kids sing songs in their native languages, and have participated in African drumming circle.  I played a trumpet for all of the music classes which they liked.  Most of them had never seen or heard (or even heard of) a trumpet.  I met about 160 kids in the first two weeks.

I have now settled in to two nice classrooms.  One is a sweet group of about fourteen kids who are about ten years old and are in their first year of learning English.  Some are in their first WEEKS or DAYS of learning English.  They are eager and diverse.  Some are from Burma, some from Africa, some from Thailand, some from the Middle East.  I usually have a groups of about five of them at a time and their teacher rotates them though different learning stations including mine.  Sometimes I help with projects that involve cutting, glueing, counting or measuring.  I often help with reading or writing or play games such as color and shapes bingo, Uno, or memory card games that match words with pictures.

Another class I am helping are the 11/12 year olds who are in their second year of English.  They have made incredible progress as I have been able to see by the stories I have seen them write.  The stories were about the schools they attended in their previous countries.  Some of the stories made me want to cry.  Usually the stories ended with how happy they are to be in Australia and to be going to school here.

Sometimes the kids need to review some really basic things like telling time correctly in English.  They all raise their hands and are eager to answer questions or take a turn reading aloud.  I feel very happy to have this experience and to be able to help.

I also enjoy spending Wednesdays helping in the art room which is a nice change from the other days.

I have been getting car rides to and from school from teachers.  Marie, lives one block from me and is originally from Colorado (she has been here a long time).  I am very grateful for her rides and conversations.  I have taken the bus a few times.

This is long I'll stop.  Thanks for reading!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Australian teachers are paid better than US teachers.

Even subs are paid between $250 and $350 per day.

Yesterday, I quit snorkeling.

Yesterday, I quit snorkeling not because of the jelly fish that stung my arm, but because i got sunblock in my eye!  I had fun anyway.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The City of Perth

A 6 minute walk to the bus, a 4 minute bus ride, a 20 min lovely train ride and I'm in the center of the city!

 City of Perth is about 1.2 million population city.  City of Perth is close to the ocean and on the beautful Swan River . It is a very new city and even London Court below is not really as old as it looks (100 years I think)  It is a very modern and clean city with many arts, restaurants, and excellent public transportation.  The city trains are fast and smooth.  The buses in the city limits are free.

 Tribute to a street performer.  There usually are buskers of some type in the Murray street Mall area.  (Think State Street times ten)

Nice city parks.
Bell tower.  Kind of like the UW carillon tower.

The city of Perth is prosperous due to the many mines in the area.
It is a growing city.  There are jobs for new comers in the mines.  Others come here for jobs related to the mines.  There are many large banks and lots of lawyers for example.

Giant metal kangaroo and me!
Lots of nice art.

Murray Street Mall.  Prices are less like Wisconsin and more like new York.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another beautiful beach

This lovely little beach is the closest to where I live.  It is about 6 miles away.  It is quick ride by car or 45 minutes if I take a bus because the bus routes in the suburbs are indirect.  I've luckily gotten rides to most of the beaches so far.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chinese New Year Celebration at local Asian Food Court.

Many people of Asian decent live here.
There are many people here celebrating the "Year of the Rabbit" 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Koondoola School

The Intensive English Center for refugees where I'm volunteering has 160 kids who speak one of about 32 languages.  Australia provides 2 years of Intensive English School and then students must move in to regular school.  All teachers in the IEC school have at least an extra year of special training.  Most of the students are very hard workers and are very relieved to be out of their difficult countries.  About one third of the students are from the hills of Burma right now.  That changes depending on where the most difficult wars are.  There are many IEC schools in Australia.

The Koala is the coolest thing ever!!!

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More Caversham Wildlife

 In the afternoon when it gets hot the kangaroos lay around in the sand

 She has a joey in her pouch!

I got to pet the Koalas!  They are so amazing and beautiful!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Caversham Wildlife Park - this park features animals of Australia.

This wildlife park is fantastic!  It was a cool morning (mid/high 70s) and a little rain which was great for seeing animals because they were very active.  Computer is slow, I may have to post just a few of these at a time (and I won't even post half of them!)
Lorikeets and Pink Galahs are common backyard birds here.

Dingos get their own dog house here!
I heard them howling in the afternoon.
Blue Winged kookaburra

Spotted Quoll

These are wallabies. There are many types.   They look like mini Kangaroos.