Monday, April 4, 2011

City of Fremantle and boat ride to Fremantle from Hillarys Harbor

These photos aren't in order and aren't on the same day, but they are all in Fremantle except for the photo with the row of boats which was taken at the boat show at Hillarys Harbor north of Perth where my boat ride began.

I bought a didgeridoo at this store in Fremantle.  I shipped it home and am looking forward to playing with it when I get home!

I am so lucky - the man in the house where I'm staying now, sells boats and asked me if I wanted a ride in a boat they were trying to sell at the boat show.  The boat (or ship or yacht) is the first one on the left.

Bad hair day.  We were driving 32 knots into a 10 knot wind if that means anything to you...
Entering Fremantle.  Fremantle is a huge shipping town close to Perth and older than Perth.  It is at the mouth of the Swan River which meets the ocean here.

The "boat"
I took a tour of the Fremantle prison.

A big group of kids was about to go out in this ship.  They were all getting instructions about what to do.  They were all helping with the riggings.
Another older smaller prison called the Round House in Freo.

Mostly Dutch shipwrecks in the museum below.  All sorts of very old treasures have been found off the coast here.


  1. I always love seeing your pictures! The boat ride looks amazing! haha bad hair day for sure.

  2. How will you get your didgeridoo home?!
