Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Caversham Wildlife

 In the afternoon when it gets hot the kangaroos lay around in the sand

 She has a joey in her pouch!

I got to pet the Koalas!  They are so amazing and beautiful!


  1. Oh my goodness! I just love these pictures! I don't think I've ever seen a real Kangaroo with a little kiddo in her pouch. So neat. It looks like the heat killed them all, though. hahaha
    The pink bird is also pretty cool. The koala too. Man, everything is just so awesome! Do koalas make noises? Glad you're have a nice time!

  2. Brandy,

    I have not heard it, but I know koalas make a really loud weird sound. I think the pink bird liked having his photo taken. Thanks for checking out the blog! Love, Aunt Gail
