Monday, January 31, 2011

AQWA - Aquarium of Western Australia

Fantastic aquarium of sea life of Australia.  Just a few miles from where I live.  I got a ride from my host family because they were going to Hillary's Harbor beach anyway which is right next to AQWA.  After 3 beach days, my skin and eyes needed a break from the sun, so AQWA was the perfect choice!

I bought a discount "four pack" because I figured Rick would come here with me when he arrives in April.  (You'll love it Rick!)

This was a mini-crock.  Only a few inches long
Patio at AQWA

These are fish although they look like rocks!


  1. No school tomorrow! I forgot my solo piece again! Dang it!The snow were getting is ridiculous! I miss you and I hope your enjoying that nice weather out there. I had to go sing solo today for the musical and boy was a sick to my stomach! I did fine though. I send lots of hugs and smiles! :)

  2. Just looking at your blog spot for the first time Gail. Looks like a great place. I know you are on the other side of the continent, but thinking of you as cyclone Yasi descends on the northeast coast. We're getting hit with our own little storm (blizzard) - no school tomorrow.

    Take care!
